MSc Thesis on iTV experience
This project was the MSc dissertation in HCI at UCL. The research addressed people’s decision-making process when looking for iTV content, by combining affective and cognitive search mechanisms. The prototyped findings were presented and published at EVA London and the first ACM TVX2014 conference. After that, Imperica magazine reviewed the project.
This dissertation was lead under the supervision of DR. Paul Marshall at UCLIC for the duration of this dissertation project. Interactive TV (iTV) is television combined with the internet. ITV adds a layer of ‘dialogue’ between broadcasted TV and viewers, actively engaging them in making more informed decisions. One of the challenges ITV faces is finding content. Current search solutions include keyword search, but fail to address affective user interaction as a possible way of finding content.
This dissertation explored the notion that emotion and cognition combined, could support the users to make an informed decision and enrich the browsing experience. This hypothesis was based on research suggesting that “People make decisions based on reason and emotion combined” (Bechara, Damasio, 2005).
The literature review was focused on current search engine mechanisms in most European ITV interfaces. Looking at non-keyword-based search mechanisms and discussed the use of personalised recommendations as a search outcome.
Due to the unique nature of this topic, I followed a Research through Design (RtD) approach throughout my thesis, as this approach is helpful when designing for innovation. I employed an ethnographic method called 'Cultural Probes' to determine user behaviour and the lifestyle of seven participants. The probes intended to evoke the users’ thoughts and imagination so that I can understand better the participants’ culture about iTV browsing.
I then combined RtD with a 'Collaborative-Design Workshop'. A design process, where participants and designers co-operate, sketching design solutions together. This type of study was both research and design-led, aligning well with RtD approach. A pilot study was designed before the main, to test and inform the latter.
I gathered data from all the above enquiry studies and different collaborators and facilitated stakeholders’ workshops to cluster emerging patterns of user needs and behaviours.
The findings informed a set of business and user requirements, created personas and defined user journeys, surfaced employee pain points and their suggested solutions.
Finally, I helped with the graphic design of the MD presentation and compiled user testing video recordings into a four-minute video to expose the user’s voice and help stakeholders empathise with employees’ daily challenges.
MSc Thesis Publication Deliverable.
Participants preferred to search both by mood and reason combined either orally or not. The resulting search engine should then support, both worded and tacit users’ browsing decisions.
They also expressed an interest in playful browsing and self-awareness tools. The preferred input technologies included voice, body, gesture and image recognition. The new prototype of ITV interface yields personalised real-time recommendations based on a record of mood tagged video content.
Publications: The prototyped findings were presented and published at EVA London and the first ACM TVX2014 conference. After that, Imperica magazine reviewed the project.