We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." ~ Maya Angelou
About Calliope
I began working as a User Experience (UX) practitioner in 2013 after a long academic path in Acting, Digital Media Technology & Design. I settled after my MSc in Human-Computer Interaction with Ergonomics or in short HCI. I then set out to change the world for the better one piece at a time. I planned, carried and analysed User Research to support multidisciplinary teams. I also designed prototypes, facilitated workshops with stakeholders to help understand their users.
To this day, I led Research or Design work for more than 20 clients in ten different industries. To understand the problem at hand, I utilised a variety of methods—from interviews and Usability Testing to Contextual Enquiry to Ethnographic studies. I designed user journeys, Service Design Blueprint Maps and built prototypes using Adobe, Sketch or Axure. I travelled the world, published my work, presented in public and led my team to success. Throughout this time, I have learned that complex problems call for clear communication, positive thinking, systemic work, creativity and mapping.
I look for meaning in User-Centred Design (UCD) beyond KPI's. I am curious to explore Gestalt in Organisational Development(OD), inspired by the leadership series by Beautiful Truth and Redesigning Leadership by John Maeda. I am particularly interested in Voice User Interfaces, immersive e-cycling, and envision their integration into GPS navigation systems. My leisure includes learning German, meditating and riding long-distance cycling events. For example, my longest ride is 308km and ridden just before the quarantine! On a rainy day, I am either 'zwifting', reading, meditating or writing about any of the above subjects on Medium.
Contact me.
PLATF9RM Co-Working Space,
Hove Town Hall, Church Road
United Kingdom