IXD Studio
Card Sorting, Usability Report & User Video
I was contracted to conduct a usability testing evaluating the website prototypes designed to inform users on home energy efficiency savings. I was mentored by IXD Studio Director and presented the report to company stakeholders.
I collaborated with the director of IXD studio to understand the problem space, bounce ideas together and discuss different interview techniques. After that, I designed the user testing tasks involved to inform on home energy efficiency savings.
I carried three usability tests with seven people. These included a Cognitive Walkthrough (CW) where the user was requested to complete five tasks, following a step by step walkthrough. A System Usability Scale (SUS) to test the user satisfaction and finally, a Card Sorting task, to reveal how people organise information architecture and relate to different concepts.
I utilised Nielsen’s severity rating scale to evaluate the importance of findings and suggest relevant recommendations. I then analysed SUS findings and made further suggestions to improve this scoring, including examples of work. I also looked for patterns and unique stories emerging through the card sorting technique. The triangulation of methodologies allowed me to look for consistent insights. The users clearly understood both the content, the styling and layout. The website was perceived as informative and likeable.
Cognitive Walkthrough (CW) Five User Tasks
System Usability Scale (SUS)
Card Sorting Task
Data Analysis
Severity rating of results and Recommendations Presentation
User video editing and production
I presented the findings and recommendations to British Gas stakeholders in a remote Skype conference call. Finally, I produced a user video, to strengthen the recommendations and aid the stakeholders’ empathy.